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We offer the following ways of payment:


You may pay for the products you wish to buy, by use of a credit or debit card.

The following cards are acceptable;






The user and customer of our online shop enter or are redirected to the web pages of third parties, such as PayPal, Banks’ etc., in order to complete the payment procedure. Our company states and the customer expressly and unconditionally acknowledges that our company bears no responsibility and is not and cannot be held liable for any damage suffered by the user/ customer while using the above web pages. Likewise, our company bears no responsibility over the content of those web pages. We state and you expressly and unconditionally accept that we do not control the content; we do not and cannot guarantee in any way the content, the continuous and uninterrupted operation of the web pages, the safety and protection measures applied. The above web pages, through which the payment procedures are completed, are governed by their own terms and conditions of use and it is your exclusive responsibility to read them, to agree with them and abide by them.

It is noted that our company does not process, store and cannot be held liable for any illegal processing or collection of personal data performed by the banks or the third parties and their web pages, through which the payment of the price for the product(s) is completed.

The customer is solely responsible for keeping his credit card or other bank related details secure. It is presumed that any payment is made by the legitimate holder of the credit/ debit cards or the bank account.

Our company issues invoice or receipt, which are enclosed in the products package which will be sent to the customer.

It is highlighted that the consumer when placing his order, explicitly acknowledges that the order implies an obligation to pay. In order to place an order, the customer needs to press (activate) a button. The button is labeled in an easily legible manner only with the words “order with obligation to pay”.

All payments on our site are made in Euro (€)